Hispanic Adult Millennials: Eating Out More, Especially For Breakfast [INSIGHT]

Hispanic young adults have been hit hard by the tough economy. Tr3s’s Millennial study showed that they value frugality and are smart with their money. They love to go out for coffee because it’s an inexpensive way to meet up with friends – but are they going to restaurants, too?

Tr3s recently analyzed Simmons data to find out more about Hispanic young adults’ behavior surrounding casual dining, and found that they have definitely not turned their back on restaurants. In fact, they ate out significantly more in 2013 than in 2012.
Here are some of Tr3s’s latest findings on Hispanic Adult Millennials (ages 18-34) and family/sit-down restaurants:

Dining at casual restaurants is on the rise. Nearly 3 out of 4 Hispanic Adult Millennials ate at family and sit-down restaurants in 2013. Year to year, casual dining among Hispanics increased at more than 4 times the rate of non-Hispanics (+9% Hispanics, +2% non-Hispanics). Hispanics are also going to casual restaurants more frequently than non-Hispanics (4.2 times in the past month among Hispanics, 3.8 times among non-Hispanics).

Hispanic young adults dine out with family the most – but for lunch, they go to restaurants with friends and coworkers. Hispanic Adult Millennials are most likely to go to sit-down restaurants with other adults and kids under 12 (generally considered to be family). Compared with Hispanics, non-Hispanics 18-34 are more likely to eat at casual restaurants with friends and coworkers. Lunchtime is when Hispanics are most likely to dine out with friends or coworkers.

When it comes to dining out, breakfast is big among Hispanics. Among Hispanics 18-34, 1 in 4 goes out for breakfast. Compared with non-Hispanics, they’re 30% more likely to eat breakfast out than non-Hispanics. Hispanics also had breakfast in restaurants more in 2013 than in 2012 (a 73% year-to-year increase!).

Some of Hispanics’ favorite casual restaurants specialize in breakfast. Denny’s and IHOP, both known for their breakfast specials, are in the top 5 family restaurants among Hispanics 18-34. (The others were Applebee’s, Olive Garden, and Buffalo Wild Wings.) Among non-Hispanics 18-34, Applebee’s is by far the restaurant they’re most likely to visit. IHOP is the only breakfast-oriented option in the top 5 family restaurants among non-Hispanics.

Source: Experian Simmons Summer2013 NHCS Adult Study 12-months, (Summer 2012 for trending); Hispanics 18-34 = 1st and 2nd gen + 3rd gen retro-culturals (Luz & Luis)


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