Hispanic Audiences Value Local Broadcast TV  [REPORTS]

Among Hispanic adults 18+, television (broadcast & cable) had the highest reach of ad supported platforms, with 70.1% reached in one day. Advertisers can reach the majority of this audience with just broadcast TV, a 69.7% reach. Cable came in at 57.7% and was closely followed by social media (56.0%) and streaming programs on TV with advertising (55.0%).

A similar story for time spent yesterday, Hispanic adults 18+ spent the most time (4 hours and 31 minutes) with TV (broadcast and cable). Broadcast TV was the major contributor with 2 hours and 51 minutes, while cable came in with 1 hour and 39 minutes. Rounding out the top 5 were streaming programs on TV with advertising (1 hour and 31 minutes) and streaming programs on digital media with advertising (1 hour and 20 minutes).

The Purchase Funnel study measures the influence of over 20 ad-supported platforms on the consumer purchase decision process. For the first critical phase of the process, awareness, the study found that TV was the greatest influencer for making Hispanic adults 18+ aware of a product or service at 48%. No other media came close, including social media (5%), radio (5%), ads in the mail (4%), billboards (3%), printed newspapers (3%) or streaming videos other than TV programs or movies (3%).

Broadcast TV news (84%) was the most trusted news source for Hispanic adults 18+, while broadcast TV news websites and apps (83%) were the most trusted digital source. Cable TV news only garnered 68%, and social media just 62%.

Click on links below:

2022 Media Comparisons Study

2022 Purchase Funnel Study

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