Hispanic Cause Marketing webinar February 23, 2006.

Hispanic Market Pro (HMP) is hosting a national audio conference Thursday, February 23 at 2:00 p.m. ET through its Hispanic Market University (HMU) on what public relations practitioners and marketing executives need to know about Hispanic Cause Marketing. .

The 1 hour and 30 minute audio conference, “How to Maximize Your ROI on Hispanic Cause-Related Marketing Partnerships and Social Campaigns,” is part of HMU’s series of professional development audio conferences for Hispanic communicators. Some of the practical topics that will be covered include:

What are some common pitfalls when working with Hispanic organizations and how do you avoid them?

What are the crucial ingredients to a successful Hispanic cause-related marketing alliance and/or campaign?

How do you properly calculate how much money or in-kind services to donate to an organization you’re partnering with?

What causes strike the biggest chord among Hispanics?

How to measure the effectiveness of your CSR campaign among Hispanics

How to form and sustain local CSR partnerships with Hispanic organizations

The audio conference will feature Liz Blacker, Senior Vice President, Media Division, One Economy Corporation; Jim Estrada, Managing Partner, Estrada Communications Group, Inc.and Ileana Fernandez, vice president and COO of the Hispanic College Fund. Sandra Bernardo, Associate Vice President at Euro RSCG Magnet, will act as moderator.

For more information at http://www.hispanicmarketpro.com/

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