Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana Opens Hispanic Business Resources & Technology Center.

The USHCC Foundation announced the opening of the Hispanic Business Resources & Technology Center run through the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana. This center was initially seeded by a $20,000.00 grant from the USHCC Foundation. The grant is part of the national Casa Cyber Community Technology Centers Grant Program funded by the AT&T Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AT&T Inc. to establish small business incubators within local Hispanic chambers of commerce across the country.

“We applaud the Hispanic Chamber of Louisiana for working through great obstacles in the wake of hurricane Katrina and opening this center that will help so many Hispanic owned businesses who are desperately trying to get back on their feet and begin re-contributing to the local economy,” said Frank Lopez, President, USHCC Foundation. “This is the first step in the long road of recovery for the Hispanic business community in Louisiana and we hope that the opening of this center will serve as a model of the positives that be achieved through collaboration but more importantly how vital continued support of this region is moving forward.”

With hurricane Katrina now more than six months removed many Louisiana residents and business owners are still in the midst of the recovery process. To address the massive need for social and business services, the HCCL has partnered with Southeastern Louisiana University’s College of Business-Latin American Business and Development Initiative and the Hispanic Apostolate, an arm of Catholic Charities of New Orleans. Through both of these organizations and with the HCCL’s complement of resources the HBRTC will provide technology access, business start up and expansion courses, job placement, mentoring programs, disaster relief assessment and health screening and counseling. Another major partner in this effort is the Jefferson Parish Public School System that has graciously donated a 3800 square foot building and utilities that will house the HBRTC. Along with the space donation, Jefferson Parish Schools will also assist in the educational components of the center.

“The Casa Cyber project will help entrepreneurs develop the technology skills that are vital in enabling businesses to reach their full economic potential,” said Laura Sanford, president of the AT&T Foundation. “Our AT&T Excelerator grant to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation reflects our shared commitment to programs and services that serve the Hispanic community.”

The Casa Cyber Community Technology Centers Grant Program will provide seed monies to help USHCC affiliated Hispanic chambers of commerce build up technology infrastructure resources necessary for small, start-up businesses to get off the ground by eliminating initial technology-related overhead expenses. The incubator setting affords the support and guidance aspiring business owners need to nurture and grow their business idea into a functioning business.

“We are deeply grateful to the USHCC Foundation for this seed money and their support in our recovery efforts,” said Gina Nadas, Executive Director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana. “The HBRTC directly addresses the post hurricane Katrina crisis situation and long term economic development for Hispanics in the state of Louisiana and in the Gulf Coast region.”

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