Hispanic Online Ad spend stays Positive.

Hispanic ad spending is down in all media but online and out-of-home, according to Myers Publishing.

The “Jack Myers Media Business Report” put Spanish-language online ad spending up 2% in 2009, while total Hispanic ad spending is forecast to drop 11.2%. A slight rebound is projected for 2010, with 2.3% growth.

Network TV, which accounts for nearly one-half of the Hispanic ad spend, will be down 5.5% for the year.

Myers Publishing predicts Spanish-language advertising will not reach its 2008 peak of $4.25 billion again until 2012, although its share of total US advertising continues to increase.

Spanish-language advertising spending was down 6.58% in the first six months of 2009, according to Ad Age. TNS Media Intelligence reported that first-half 2009 Hispanic ad spending was down more than 20% for the single biggest advertiser in the market, Procter & Gamble.

Outlays by Johnson & Johnson were also down by about one-fifth, but the rest of the advertisers in the top 10 were increasing their spending on Spanish-language TV, magazine and newspaper ads year over year.

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