Hispanic Public Relations Association Accepting Applications For 2004 Scholarship Awards.

The Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA) is awarding 2004 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to eligible Southern California students. The deadline for students to apply for award consideration is Monday, May 31, 2004.

HPRA President Sandra Bernardo said, “Our organization recognizes that higher education can be a burden to many students, and we are seeking to encourage and support Hispanic students in the Communications fields by awarding $10,000 in scholarship funds annually.”

The HPRA’s scholarship program recognizes outstanding undergraduate Hispanic students who are pursuing careers in public relations and related communications fields. The program only awards scholarships to deserving Hispanic students attending four-year colleges and universities in Southern California. The scholarship is open to junior and senior students of Hispanic descent with at least a 2.7 cumulative GPA and 3.0 GPA in their major subject. Preference is given to students majoring in public relations, but students in communication studies, journalism, advertising, and/or marketing will be considered. Students majoring in other disciplines who have a desire to work in the public relations industry also are invited to apply. Award recipients are expected to attend the HPRA PRemio Awards dinner, which will be held on October 20, 2004.

For application materials and guidelines, please contact College and Scholarship Outreach Chairperson, Karen Barragan at (310) 244-6467 or Ka************@sp*.com.

About Hispanic Public Relations Association

HPRA was founded in 1984 as a nonprofit organization to establish a network of Hispanics employed in the public relations profession in the Southern California area. HPRA has more than 150 members representing public relations, marketing and advertising professionals from agencies, government, non-profit and corporate companies. HPRA is dedicated to the advancement of Hispanic professionals and provides educational seminars and workshops throughout the year. HPRA also grants scholarships to Hispanic students attending Southern California universities and honors notable individuals in the communications field at its annual PRemio Awards.

HPRA strives to be a resource for communications professionals and for those seeking insights into the Hispanic market. For more information visit http://www.hprala.org.

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