Hispanic Public Relations Association awards Best Campaigns at 25th Anniversary Celebration.

The Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA) will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Thursday, October 8 5:30 p.m. to midnight, at the Hollywood Highlands, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, California. The evening’s theme, “Twenty Five Years in Action,” will highlight the early years with participation by the organization’s founders. Founding members David Garcia, Myrna Gutierrez, and John Echeveste, will come together two and half decades later in a tribute to the organization’s success.

“We’re proud of the twenty-five year legacy HPRA has established and the quality of Hispanic practitioners we’ve fostered,” said Ivette Zurita, Association President. “HPRA was formed to elevate the stature and promote the development of Hispanic public relations professionals. We continue to do that and will celebrate at the PRemio Awards.”
Thousands of dollars in scholarships will be awarded to Hispanic students during the program. The PRemio Awards will recognize three leaders. Roxana Lissa, CEO and founder of RL Public Relations and Marketing, an independent bicoastal Hispanic PR agency, will receive the HPRA individual public relations practitioner of the year award. Abelardo de la Pena, Jr., will be honored as journalist of the year for his accomplishments as editor and publisher of LatinoLA.com in addition to his work and collaboration in the national think tank, Iconoculture. And McDonald’s(R) will be recognized as a leading corporation dedicated to the Hispanic community for its ongoing local and national programs.

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