Hispanic Scholarship Fund Nationwide Tour.

In an effort to inspire and inform Hispanic students and parents that college is attainable and affordable, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) announced a nationwide tour of 20 bilingual Town Hall Meetings in 13 cities.

The tour launches Sept. 4 in Los Angeles and travels to seven states before returning to California for the last Town Hall Meeting in November. The tour is made possible through generous support from General Motors, Procter & Gamble, AT&T, American Honda, The James Irvine Foundation, and The Goizueta Foundation. Visit http://www.hsf.net for a full schedule. “Our aim is to tell our parents that their child is ‘college worthy’ and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, through our nationwide outreach tour, will help them get ‘college ready,'” said Sara Martinez Tucker, president and CEO of HSF. “Parents play a critical role in their child’s education, especially in preparing them for college. By providing them with key information and tools to navigate the process, we can show them that college is affordable and attainable.”

Studies show that there are many reasons for the low academic achievement of this country’s Latino students, but one of the most significant is the failure to integrate Latino families into the educational process. This is of great concern because research has shown that parental involvement plays a key role in children’s academic achievement. As part of an overall outreach strategy to engage parents and build a college-going expectation in Hispanic families, HSF began hosting Town Hall Meetings throughout the country in the fall of 2001.

Cities on this year’s tour include: Fresno, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Madera, CA; Mendota, CA; San Jose, CA; Watsonville, CA; Lilburn, GA; Reidsville, GA; Chicago, IL; Miami, FL; Houston, TX; New York, NY; and, Clemson, SC.

Delivered in English and Spanish by the HSF outreach team, Town Hall Meetings are two-hour evening events that provide step-by-step guidance on applying to college and paying for it. The presentation includes information on admissions and financial aid/scholarships, two vital aspects of the college-going process. The format guides parents and students through the A to Z of the college-prep curriculum, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and includes Frequently Asked Questions related to admissions and financial aid. Bilingual materials presented during the Town Hall Meeting, as well as other college-going materials and scholarship applications appropriate to each city and region, are also made available. All meetings are free and open to the public.

In 2002-2003, the HSF outreach team surveyed more than 1,200 parents and students who attended outreach events. Evaluations of the content and format submitted by attendees, show that HSF’s outreach programs produced an average knowledge change of college-going processes of more than 1 point on a five-point scale (1.52 for parents and 1.39 for students).

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