Hispanic Women Connect with Friends, Brands and News via Social

Connecting with friends and family through social networks is high on the list of reasons to use social media among US Hispanic women. But it’s also a way to keep up with brands and current events, according to a recent study by Latina Media Ventures.

The media company, which publishes the Hispanic women’s magazine Latina, surveyed acculturated Hispanic women—those born in the US or who have lived there for at least 10 years—who either had a profile on a social networking site or had visited a social site in the past 30 days to find out how the women used social media.

More than eight in 10 Hispanic females said “keeping in touch with family/friends” was an important reason for using the site. But they were also looking at social media to connect with brands. The desire to receive coupons and discount offers was cited by 82% of respondents as an important reason to use social networks, and 77% used these sites to gather information about products and services. Still, others found social platforms an important way to connect with media. Nearly eight in 10 said they wanted information on news and current events, and 70% about a movie, TV station or show.

For Hispanics, who “place a really high value on community, their use of social media is a digital extension of that value set,” Patricia Oppenheimer, executive marketing director at Latina Media Ventures, told eMarketer.

Their search for product information on social sites is also in line with their analog behavior, she said. “They are not as jaded as consumers as the general market. They are more optimistic consumers, more trusting. They embrace celebrity endorsements. So, they are comfortable seeing a post from their friend talking about a new haircut and then seeing an ad a few posts down in their newsfeed.”

Courtesy of eMarketer


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