Hispanics Continue to Overindex on Tablet Usage

eMarketer forecasts that more than 147 million people in the US will use a tablet in 2014, up 11.2% from 2013 levels. The US tablet audience will account for 58.5% of internet users and 46.1% of the US population this year and is on track to include more than half of all people in the US by 2016. A new eMarketer report, “US Tablet Users: 2014 Complete Forecast Update,” explores who those users are and what they’re doing on their devices.

US Hispanics will have the highest tablet penetration rate of any race or ethnicity through at least 2018. This year, 28.1 million Hispanics—19.1% of all US tablet users—will use tablets, representing more than half of the entire Hispanic population and 70.9% of Hispanic internet users. This group will also post the highest gains of any race or ethnicity this year, with a 14.9% growth rate.
Teens ages 12 to 17 and adults ages 35 to 44 will be the most likely to use tablets. Approximately 60% of people in these age groups will use such a device regularly in 2014. Tablet usage will also be higher than average for those 18 to 34.

Tablet adoption has led to the growth of the tablet gamer, video viewer, music listener and social networking audiences. As gains of the overall tablet user base slows, so too will those of most tablet content user groups.

Gamers will be the largest tablet content audience included in eMarketer’s forecast through at least 2018. This year, 106.5 million people, or 72.4% of tablet users, will play games via tablet regularly. Audience growth will remain steady over the next few years. By 2018, more than 79% of tablet users and over half of internet users will play games on a device at least once per month.

Tablet social network users will be the second largest audience among the four content areas in eMarketer’s forecast. Approximately 95.6 million people—65.0% of tablet users and 55.4% of social network users—will regularly visit social networks via tablet in 2014.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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