Hollywood Diversity Report 2022 [REPORT]
December 10, 2022

The previous installment in the Hollywood Diversity Report series, which focused on films released during the 2020 calendar year, chronicled unparalleled industry disruptions wrought by the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus. As the worsening pandemic led to a shuttering of theaters around the globe, the lion’s share of the films examined in the report were, for the first time, released via streaming platforms. Though the introduction of vaccines in early 2021 have since facilitated cautious moves toward business as usual in the Hollywood industry, this report — to play a dominant role in audiences’ engagement with “big screen” content.
The 2022 Hollywood Diversity Report: Part 1 examines relationships between diversity and the bottom line in a Hollywood context still distorted by the virus. It considers the top 200 theatrical and all major streaming, English-language film releases in 2021, ranked by global box office and total household ratings, in order to document the degree to which women and people of color are present in
front of and behind the camera. It discusses any patterns between these findings and box office receipts and 18-49 viewer and household ratings by key audience demographics. The report also charts any trends that may reveal the degree to which the industry is progressing on the diversity front over time.
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