Homeownership Means Patrimony.

Consider what you look forward to at the end of the day. Getting home? Relaxing? Playing in the back yard with the kids? Not answering to anyone? Feeling safe in your environment? Feeling like your provided this safety to your family?

The concept of a home has come to mean so much more than shelter. In Latino history, land was more valuable than money. Owning property was a sign of independence from caciques or “patrones.” In Mexico, this fierce desire for land eventually led to the Agrarian movement (and heroes like Emiliano Zapata) that preceded the Mexican Revolution in the early 1900’s. The viewpoint of many was simple: when a man owns his own property, he is master of his own domain. In modern life, most of us can’t afford acres of land, but what is attainable comes from KB Home, Dalton, Beazer or Centrex: a home and the small piece of land it sits on-just for you.

In research conducted over the years we have never been more moved than when we hear consumers talk about what a home means to them. Words like future, independence, children and stability are the reasons most often given for wanting a house. Latin consumers see a home as something they can leave as inheritance, passing family history and monetary value to their children. A home becomes their patrimony.

As the Hispanic market grows in size and affluence, it will be vital to work with companies that know how to position and sell your home-related products to this population. Because in the end, you don’t need ads, you need customers.

By Erika Prosper
Director, Account Strategy
Garcia 360 Comunica

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