How Does Global Digital Ad Spending Vary by Region and Industry?

There are few universal truths when examining industry advertising spending in 20 global markets. But one thing stands out: As consumers around the globe increase their use of digital devices to access information about products and to conduct ecommerce, brands are increasing their spending in digital channels.

Even in the three markets where total ad spending is expected to decline in 2015—France, Finland and Norway—overall digital advertising spending will expand. And digital’s share will continue to rise, as explored in the new eMarketer report, “Global Digital Ad Spending by Industry: A Country-by-Country Look.”

eMarketer estimates 2016 will be the year when advertisers in the UK spend more on digital advertising than on traditional media. In 2017, marketers in China will do the same. A year later, Denmark, Australia and Norway will join the list.

Additionally, fast-moving consumer packaged goods brands are digital advertising leaders in many markets. In part, this is due to multinational brands’ adeptness at such channels, and their frequent willingness to invest in developing markets ahead of local brands.

But don’t count out local brands. For many startups in developing countries, such as Indonesia—where just 7.3% of ad spending was digital in 2015—digital is the most affordable advertising medium. Startups often spend 100% of their ad budgets in that realm.

The auto industry is another big spender in digital across markets and brands, especially in countries where auto sales are surging. In China, for instance, automotive digital ad spending was expected to increase 3% in 2015. Car buyers around the globe are researching purchases online, and digital video advertising in this sector is increasing.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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