How Hispanic Adult Millennials Feel About Their Jobs [INSIGHT]

What types of jobs do Hispanic Adult Millennials have? How do they feel about their work – and is there anything they might prefer doing? As part of its soon-to-be-released 2014 study, Tr3s asked Hispanics ages 19 to 34 about their current work situations, and how they compare to their ideal careers. Here are key insights from that analysis:

Many are unhappily employed in retail, sales, food, and construction. Almost 30% of Hispanic Adult Millennials work in these industries – and only 7% say they’re ideal.

Employment in tech-related fields is both common and perceived as ideal. Technology/computers/IT is the most common field, employing 1 in 10 Hispanic Adult Millennials. The same proportion (10%) sees this type of work as ideal.

“Helping professions” and creative industries are appealing. Besides tech, the fields that Hispanic Adult Millennials see as most ideal are healthcare, the arts, media/entertainment, teaching/mentoring, and fashion/beauty.

Instead of sitting at a computer or being on their feet all the time, they crave a combination of active and stationary time at work. More than half of Hispanic Adult Millennials either sit at a desk or are on their feet for most of the day — but they don’t view either option as ideal. Jobs that involve both sitting and walking around are not as common but are very appealing (17% are both active and stationary, 39% see that as ideal).

They’re working mostly for the money for now – but they’d like to enjoy their jobs more. Hispanic Adult Millennials are most likely to say they’re at their current job to pay the bills, but few believe that’s ideal. They want work that’s fun, that gives them fulfillment, or that helps people.

Even though they don’t see their jobs as ideal, most are proud of their work and their companies. Almost 80% of Hispanic Adult Millennials are proud of their work and just over 70% are proud of their companies. Compared with non-Hispanics, they are more proud of both (71% of non-Hispanics are proud of their work, 66% are proud of their companies).  

Source: Tr3s Hispanic Adult Millennial Study (2014)



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