How Much Work Do Mobile Devices Do in the Office?

US employees still stick with the basics when it comes to on-the-job devices, based on a September 2014 study by TNS for Dell and Intel, which found that the desktop remained the most-used device for work. However, this may not last forever, as there was a noticeable drop in usage between 2011 and 2014, from 84% of US employees to 71%.

Desktops’ smaller-screen counterparts—laptops—saw a tiny decline in usage, as did smartphones, somewhat surprising considering their ever-growing relevance in consumers’ day-to-day lives. However, the reason for this may be due to increased usage of another touchscreen device: tablets. Though a meager 7% of respondents reported using tablets for work, they were the only device type that saw an increase in usage. Intel and Dell noted that desktops still ruled the work device scene as of now due to the fact that most US employees still work in an office.

Mobile business content may play a bigger role outside the workday, though, thanks to the blurring line between work life and personal life. A September 2014 study from CNBC found that business execs worldwide turned to their devices for a wide variety of information.

Smartphones were more common than tablets for quick news items and overviews, such as stock prices, breaking news and real-time data. On the other hand, tablets were more popular for “more engaging” business content like in-depth analysis, news video clips and company information. In all, 78% and 75% said their smartphones and tablets were useful business tools, respectively.

The study found that TV business content also drove mobile usage. More than three-quarters of US execs polled had used a smartphone or tablet to look up info on products, services and sectors after seeing business content on television. Nearly two-thirds had discussed the content with their friends and colleagues through mobile, and 60% even purchased products, services, stocks and shares via mobile as a result.


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