Huggies and Poncho de Anda help Parents tackle Parenthood’s Messes and Stresses.

Together with Mexican TV personality and father of two, Poncho de Anda, the Huggies brand is helping Hispanic parents everywhere with tips, advice and a new webisode series on tackling the everyday stresses and messes of parenthood. Premiering on the Huggies Latino Facebook page, these webisodes feature the experiences of Poncho, his wife Lina Amashta and their two children (ages 2 and 10 months) as they deal with the challenges that come with being a parent – whether that’s packing for a trip, preparing for house guests or mastering the art of feeding children.

“Parenting can be overwhelming, but my wife and I work together to constantly improve upon what we’ve learned over the past few years with our children,” said Poncho de Anda. “And we’ve learned a lot – like relying on Huggies diapers and wipes, which stand up to the tests of our little ones and have helped us make it through long flights and even spaghetti night with ease!”

Marketing Campaign and Contest

In addition to the partnership with Poncho de Anda, Huggies is launching a full Spanish-language marketing campaign including television, print and online advertising. For more information and to stay up-to-date on the latest Huggies Brand and parenting news, visit

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