IAB Ad Ops Council will be the Driving Force in solving Industry Operational issues.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced the creation of an IAB Ad Operations Council for senior advertising operations executives drawn from the ranks of the General Membership.

The Council’s first co-chairpersons, elected by the Council, are Univision Online’s Dan Murphy, Vice President of Online Research and Ad Traffic, and CNET Network’s Adrian D’Souza, Director, Ad Development and Support.

Ad Operations executives are on the front line of revenue management focused on inventory, pricing, yield and more. The complexity of new technologies and the speed at which they are changing the Interactive marketplace make it essential for the industry to have a Council dedicated to developing solutions and best practices for these issues.

“The Interactive medium, unlike other media, has a complex and sophisticated infrastructure for the management, delivery and optimization of advertising,” said Sheryl Draizen, SVP, General Manager, IAB. “This will only continue to become more complicated as emerging platforms like rich internet applications (RIA) mobile, iPTV, gaming and others become part of the Interactive landscape and the responsibility of this functional area. Establishing an Ad Ops Council allows us to deal with current fundamental technology issues and anticipate future challenges.”

“The ultimate objective for the Ad Ops Council is to identify and resolve industry-wide operational issues that challenge the efficiency and growth of Interactive,” said Dan Murphy, Vice President of Online Research and Ad Traffic, Univision Online. “We look forward to working together as a group to drive solutions.”

“The establishment of the IAB Ad Ops Council will provide a platform for publishers, agencies and advertisers to work together for the common good of building the industry,” said Adrian D’Souza, Director, Ad Development and Support, CNET Networks. “We are committed to bringing about real change and creating an infrastructure and environment that supports the long-term growth of this medium.”

Main topics on the Ad Ops Council’s agenda include:

Auditing and accreditation of ad technologies and processes
Systems integration and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Industry reporting tools
Staffing and training

The founding companies of the Ad Ops Council and their representatives include:

AOL – Thomas McMahon
CNET Networks – Adrian D’Souza
CondeNet – Dan Shar
CBS Digital Media – Bruce Jaret
Dow Jones Online – Ken Detlet
Fox Interactive Media – Michael Stoeckel
Google – Kal Amin
IAC Advertising Solutions – Mort Greenberg
Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions – Joe Doran
NBC Universal Interactive – Steven Gold
New York Times / About.com – Ben Reid
Turner Broadcasting – Joey Trotz
Univision Online – Dan Murphy
USA Today Online – David Morin
Walt Disney Internet Group – Sarah Weisinger
Washington Post Newsweek Interactive – Keith Tomatore
Weather Channel Interactive – Tim Messier
Yahoo! – Todd Teresi

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