IAB: An Interactive Television Advertising Overview.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced the release of “An Interactive Television Advertising Overview,” the latest in its series of comprehensive Platform Status Reports aimed at educating marketers, agencies and publishers on the state of interactive advertising platforms.

“An Interactive Television Advertising Overview” provides:

* An overview of the U.S. interactive television market, including audience segments and specific advertising options for reaching those consumers
* Key definitions and nomenclature used in interactive television and specific campaign metrics
* Case studies that highlight the available interactive television advertising products
* An overview of the different providers of interactive television advertising and their respective capabilities
* An explanation of key technological and strategic challenges facing interactive television

“Interactive television turns passive TV-watching into yet another engaging digital media experience that marketers can make a part of their advertising mix,” said Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO of the IAB.

“ITV brings the power of digital media to the home screen, transforming consumers’ TV advertising experience,” said Sherrill Mane, SVP, Industry Services, IAB. “The IAB produced the report to bring the marketplace a comprehensive yet concise picture of the opportunities currently available to advertisers.”

“Interactive television advertising offers brands a unique and highly personal way to interact with consumers,” said Chris Falkner, Vice President, Advanced Advertising Technology and Operations, NBC Universal, and a Co-Chair of the IAB’s Interactive Television Committee. “This report will provide a better understanding of the huge potential of this evolving advertising platform.”

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