ILCE & the Cisneros Group’s Educational Channel ‘Cl@se’ join forces to promote education in LatAM.

Cl@se, a Latin American educational television channel owned by the Cisneros Group of Companies, and the Mexico-based Latin American Institute for Educational Communication (ILCE), announced the signing of a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting and developing education in Latin America.

Working together the two organizations will seek to promote a wide range of educational activities in Latin America and produce and distribute educational content throughout the region.

According to the agreement, cl@se programming will be distributed using the Edusat satellite broadcasting network in schools and through specific cable television operators in the region. Also, the content of cl@se will become part of all services and projects offered by ILCE to Ministries and Education Departments of different Latin American countries using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education.

“The agreement between ILCE and cl@se harnesses the enormous power of modern communication and technologies for the educational progress of all our peoples,” said Gustavo Cisneros, Chairman and CEO of the Cisneros Group of Companies. Mr. Cisneros added that: “These two renowned institutions are both committed to the goal of making education the main priority in Latin American development.”

“This agreement will clearly enrich the offering of educational content available throughout Latin America,” ILCE Director David del la Garza said. “Without a doubt, we are honoured to be able to work with the Cisneros Group to offer more and better educational options for our societies.”

“We are deeply involved with and committed to supporting the mission of education because it is only through education that we will develop the prosperous, stable, democratic and worthy Latin America we dream of,” Cisneros said.

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