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In a World of Digital Trends, Be a Classic

By Cristy Clavjio-Kish, Founder, Talento Unlimited & Entre Mujere LIVE! 

While navigating through Miami traffic, a pressing thought emerged regarding the landscape of content creation and branding: the precarious balance between trending topics and core audience engagement. This shifting dynamic reminds me of a poignant quote by Somali-American model and actress Iman, “In a world of trends, I remain a classic.”

In our rapidly evolving digital age, it’s evident that trends can captivate today but quickly transform into fleeting memes tomorrow. The pivotal question then arises: how do brands and creators maintain relevance and forge genuine connections amidst these ever-changing tides?

The answer lies in staying true to their foundational pillars and themes.

However, it’s concerning to observe that in their pursuit of trending waves, some brands and creators lose sight of these values. This disconnect can lead to strategies that might initially dazzle but ultimately fail to resonate deeply or sustainably with their audience. Creators, in particular, may chase the latest trend, only to realize it diverges significantly from the core reasons their audience was drawn to them initially.

As 2024 strategy implementation roars forward, it’s clear that authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of effective digital strategies. This year, I firmly believe that authenticity will eclipse the allure of transient trends.

Our Talent Unlimited team has been providing this guidance to our partners:

  • No matter what the content or platform, remain constant in your mission.
  • Continue to create content that echoes your ‘why,’ and for brands
  • Cultivate partnerships with influencers who not only embody your message but also resonate profoundly with your target audience.

This advice rings particularly true for multicultural creators who have garnered a dedicated following for their unique voices and perspectives. The goal isn’t to remain static but to evolve and grow, anchored by that ever-elusive ‘why.’

In this world obsessed with the next big thing, I invite you to join me  in choosing to be a timeless classic…

#AuthenticityInTrends #TimelessClassic #DigitalStrategies2024