Industry Reconnect Wanted.

Have we become an industry devoid of any proactive conversation? It always seems like there is a hard line in the sand drawn between buyers and sellers. Why? Maybe I am jaded, as we work with brand marketers, agencies and publishers alike. Although I spent many years in ad agencies, I’ve represented all sides of the fence for the past five years.

Needless to say, I get to see and hear a lot. What I get to share and repeat is another story. So this is a bit harder than my typical weekly musings to write.. Print, broadcast, TV, online — you name it, I’ve worked on it.

No matter what the medium or what the format, one thing is the same: There are buyers and there are sellers. Do the two ever come together? Aside from when they make deals on behalf of a brand? Sure, at some events.

You’ve probably witnessed event burn-out as of late. Our niche industry seems to have a handful or two of key events. Many are scheduled for the same time, making it tough to decide which to go to, who to send, whose to pay for — you know the drill.

I spent years going to the events bringing buyers and sellers together at some resort-like location. Of course buyers do not “pay.” Or so they say. Many of these are set up so buyers have instructions where to sit in forums, watching speaking gigs, at breaks and even at dinners. Chances are if you are a buyer at one of these events, you most likely know the bulk of the sellers. That being said, you probably have a few that are your friends and colleagues. Of course you want to chat with them, commiserate, and catch up. Most likely this isn’t an option, aside from the free-for-all social get-togethers in the evenings (that are also a complete cluster…).

I’ve been on many panels where buyers and sellers get together. These were great, as they bridged the “gap.” In fact, some of the most successful panels were these types. Sure, some turned into finger pointing sh@t slinging. However, most were great minds coming together to bring issues out and solve (or attempt to solve) problems. I haven’t seen many lately. Have you? Maybe they are going on and I’m speaking concurrently behind another closed door. I don’t know.

At the end of the day, aren’t we all trying to do the same thing: represent brands to eventually sell something? Sure we strategize, evangelize and optimize. Our presentations and pitches are laden with words like ROI, synergize, integrated and my personal favorite (not): out-of-the-box. Aren’t we all trying to create a unique experience, an affinity, impact and one-to-one relationship? We want to capture and convert new eyeballs while sustaining old ones.

The bottom line is, I don’t care if you plan, buy, sell, market or promote — we are all in the same boat. Why is our industry so divided? Can we come together? I mean really come together in a meaningful manner — not as “friends” or friends-of-friends on huge social networks, or in crowded function halls drinking bad coffee and tepid water under fluorescent lights? Where can we come together without forced camaraderie? Where can we scratch below the surface of current issues to make real, practical solutions? Where can we meet online or offline for discussions without limitations or having to pay the price of admission? Where can we connect beyond blog and post, voice and voicemail, text and text message, email and email back? Am I alone out here? Please tell me I’m not.

By Seana Mulcahy
Courtesy of

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