Innovations In Hispanic Marketing Conference in Miami.

Marketing, advertising and communications executives from companies throughout the U.S. will gather in Miami, May 20-21, for the Innovations in Hispanic Marketing conference. Conference presenters will examine new ways to influence Hispanic consumers.

The conference will assess traditional marketing and advertising channels as well as newer tools to communicate with Hispanic audiences, including customer relationship management technologies, call centers and the Internet. Conference speakers will demonstrate, in case studies and panel presentations, how leading companies such as Verizon Communications, Ford Motor Company, Nestle USA, MasterCard International, Yahoo! and others are increasing market share and deepening brand loyalty among Hispanic consumers.

The conference will also feature an analysis of Hispanic demographic and economic data by Roberto Suro, director of the Pew Hispanic Center. Suro will summarize key findings of the 2002 National Survey of Latinos, an annual survey that explores attitudes, beliefs, values and experiences, and provides valuable information about long-term trends in Hispanic views.

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