An Innovative Model To Maximize Healthy Lifestyle Consumers [INSIGHT]

By Santiago Solutions Group

With the advent of the ACA, insurers have two drivers: share AND profitability.  Most sales and marketing focus is on gaining share by securing the highest enrollment numbers possible.  Effective Growth Leaders are measuring business success beyond market share: The utilization cost and ROI of the new pool is an equally important goal of effective marketing. Companies can measure their success by drawing in a pool that may have both a higher likelihood to health coverage and a lower propensity to acquire preventable conditions, both of which impact the bottom line.  We offer the following marketing considerations to enhance your competitive edge:  

Develop Marketing Databases Which Blend Generational Segmentation Data with Health Attitudes & Mindsets – This blend results in a target pool of consumers who will be more receptive to preventative measures.  Health Insurers can increase marketing efficiency by developing relevant messaging to actionable segments within their database. From an acquisition perspective, having a model that gauges Wellness attitudes and does not use HIPAA-sensitive inputs facilitates targeting consumers with a more preventive mindset.  

Healthier Consumers Will Result in Higher ROI – Healthy Lifestyle consumers are engaging in healthy activities significantly more than Health Unaware segments.  Healthy Lifestyle consumers are 11% less likely than to have smoked 1 or more packs in the last 7 days  and 11% more likely to have engaged in Sports more than twice per week. As one might expect, Health conscious behavior provides positive results.  Data reflects that the Healthy Lifestyle segment is 8-20%  less likely to have a Preventable Chronic Disease (PCD) .

Available HIPAA-compliant Databases Make This Immediately Actionable – Accessing these segments can be made easily actionable for hospitals and insurance companies by having HIPAA-compliant third-party organizations score the internal databases or prospect mailing lists.  

The SSG Wellness Spectrum™, powered by GfK MRI, is an implementable tool that will facilitate smart engagement, targeted acquisition efforts, and better retention strategies.  Since the realities and strengths of each company vary, we stand ready to adapt solutions that are customized to the needs of savvy insurers and marketers.  

About SSG: SSG is a growth consulting leader driven by management P&L experience, Big Data and predictive analytics. We develop fact-based business models, insights, customer experiences and roadmaps that profitably segment distinct customer groups and drive revenue. We help clients focus their limited resources where the highest ROI opportunities exist and customize strategies advancing efficient Total Market growth fueled by Millennial, Multicultural & Hispanics segments.

 1 – GfK MRI Double Base 2013, 18+ USA population.
 2 – GfK MRI Double Base 2013, 18+ Uninsured Population
 3 – Preventable Chronic Diseases (PCD’s) include High Cholesterol, Diabetes (Type-2), Hypertension, and Obesity


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