Internet scores with Sports Fans.

Burst Media released the results of a survey on the behaviors, preferences and attributes of sports fans. After polling more than 2,700 U.S. online adults aged 18 years or older who self-identified themselves as sports fans, the survey found that nearly one-third (31.5%) of respondents cite the Internet or national television programming (30.4%) as the best resource for sports-related news and information, routing other forms of mass media.

Overall, either national television programming or the Internet are most often cited by sports fans – 30.8% and 25.7%, respectively – as their primary source of sports news and information. Male sports fans are significantly more likely than female sports fans (32.1% vs. 16.4%) to cite Internet content as their primary sports information source. National television sports programming rules with female sports fans: one-third (34.8%) cite it as their primary sports information source.

Sports fans use the Internet to check scores and stats (59.2%); read sports-related news stories and commentary (47.4%); and watch sports-related videos and clips (35.6%). A plurality (31.3%) of respondents cites between 5 p.m. and 8.p.m. as when they are most likely to visit sports-related sites and resources on the Internet.

In terms of marketing and advertising, athlete or team product or service endorsements impact sports-minded consumers’ considerations: 29.7% of all respondents say they are likely to purchase a product or service if it is used by their favorite sports team or athlete. In addition, social platforms such as Facebook or Twitter are poised to help brands be more effective with endorsement programs: overall, one-quarter (24.7%) of sports fans currently or have at one time or another followed their favorite athletes in social media. Among 18-24 year-old sports fans, 36.5% turn to social media. One-third (33.0%) of 25-34 year-olds follow their favorite sports stars, as does one-quarter (27.4%) of 35-44 year-olds.

Among all sports fans, 32.1% identify themselves as “avid” fans who “try to stay updated as much as possible” on sports scores and news, and 67.9% are “casual” fans who say they “follow sports from time to time.” In the avid sports fans segment, two-thirds (67.9%) are between the ages of 25-54, with the lion’s share (46.3%) being 35-54 years old. More than half (55.1%) of avid fans have graduated from college and one-quarter (27.3%) report a household income of $75,000 or more.

“Brands of all kinds have a significant opportunity to reach and engage a loyal and savvy audience in online sports content,” said Mark Kaefer, Director of Marketing at Burst Media. “By rounding out broadcast and print media campaigns with an online component, advertisers can reach a targeted audience of educated and affluent consumers.”
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