Islam Unveiled InPBS Educational Videos.

In response to public interest in Islam, which has dominated the world’s news since September 11, the Education Division of public television station Thirteen/WNET New York has produced two videos and accompanying study guides based on its series, “Religion & Ethics Newsweekly.”

Thirteen is offering the two, 90-minute tapes and study guides free to schools and community organizations while supplies last to promote understanding of Islam and its role in the War on Terrorism.

“Islam” features 18 stories covering the beliefs, practices, and sometimes misunderstood views of Muslims around the world. Topics include:

Taliban and Women — Why the Taliban required women to shroud themselves from head to toe in the burka and other aspects of life for Muslim women in Afghanistan.

American Muslims — The cultural gap between African American Muslims and the children of Muslim immigrants to the US.
Ramadan — Fasting and observances during Islam’s holy month, which, up until recently, has been ignored in most schools’ holiday celebrations.

“Religion, War, and Violence” features 11 stories including:

Holy War — Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish leaders on violence in the name of God.
Religious Extremism — Is it motivated by the authentic teachings of Mohammed, or based on a misguided interpretation of the Koran rooted in poverty and desperation?

U.S. Response to 9/11 Attacks — Religious scholars on the consequences of America’s response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

“Commercial broadcast coverage of religion almost disappeared in the 1980s when the FCC eliminated the religious programming requirement,” said Sarah Frank, VP/Director of Education, Thirteen/WNET. “What distinguishes public TV is that we do far more than the law requires in order to provide an essential public service that nobody else offers.”

Representatives of schools and community organizations can get information about obtaining the videos and study guides at 212-560-6816 or by email to lo******@th******.org.

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