It’s the Values, stupid

Like most of you, I am glad that the Presidential elections are behind us. It was the longest road to the Whitehouse in modern times. And with 24/7 coverage, it made 22 months seem like 22 years. More importantly, the choice was very clear and the numbers left no doubt that the country was very ready to move on in a new direction.

And of course, as usual, over the last week, much has been written about the Latino Vote and its impact. The stats have been analyzed by the pundits and it is clear that Obama was the overwhelming recipient of our vote. How did it happen? Is a question very few have really tried to answer. Most who have, simply brush us with the “change” and “economy” message that captured the rest of the Nation. And yes there is some of that for sure, but it only captures the tip of the iceberg in understanding the Hispanic community.

By Jose Cancela – Hispanic USA

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