January 2003 Magazine Ad Revenues Up.

Total magazine advertising revenue for the month of January 2003 increased 9.5%, compared to January of last year, closing at $883,466,028, according to Publishers Information Bureau (PIB). Ad pages for January totaled 12,482.6, up 4.8% from 2002.

January 2003 vs. 2002

Eleven of the twelve major advertising categories experienced an increase in advertising revenue over January 2002. Notable gains were seen in Public Transportation, Hotels & Resorts, Apparel & Accessories, Toiletries & Cosmetics and Automotive. Ten of the twelve major categories saw an increase in ad pages, with considerable increases in Apparel & Accessories and Automotive. (Twelve categories are the most significant contributors to PIB revenue, comprising more than 85% of total advertising spending.)

“Given the uncertainty in the economic and political environments, we are pleased to see that 2003 is starting on a strong note,” said Ellen Oppenheim, Executive Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer, Magazine Publishers of America.

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