Jornada Al Norte to premiere at the 2006 Los Angeles International Short Film Festival.

“Jornada Al Norte,” a captivating short film that chronicles the journey of an El Salvadorian family and the struggles of a U.S. border patrolman, will make its world premiere on Thursday, Sept. 7 at the 2006 LA Shorts Fest.

Based on a true story, “Jornada Al Norte” tells a heart-gripping tale of two men whose lives cross paths while attempting to do what is best for their families. One is forced to escape his country of El Salvador due to a brutal civil war. The other is a conflicted U.S. border patrolman who is torn between helping a struggling young family and doing what is needed to support his own.

Director Nehemias Colindres, a native of Los Angeles, has directed short documentaries and music videos. “Jornada” marks his first narrative short film, which asks the bold question: What is the cost of the American dream?

“Jornada” stars Eduardo Enrikez, Eddie Diaz and Cynthia Pinot. The film was produced by Elijio Barrera and co-written by Matthew Harding and Nehemias Colindres.

With its timely relevance to the national debate on immigration policy, “Jornada” may be the film of the year, whose powerful story will take you on a journey you must not miss.

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