La Agencia de Orcí offers UCLA Latino Marketing course.

La Agencia de Orcí & Asociados will be teaching their annual University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) college-level course as part of 2006 Spring UCLA Extension curriculum. “Marketing and Advertising Effectively to the Latino Consumer,” one of the few courses of its kind offered in the U.S., has been a part of the UCLA Extension program for over two decades.

This year, Marlene Garcia, Partner and Executive Vice President, La Agencia de Orcí, will lead several of the sessions. “Marketing and Advertising Effectively to the Latino Consumer” meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., at the Los Angeles offices of La Agencia de Orcí & Asociados, 11620 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 600.

This year’s course will highlight guest lectures from prominent professionals including Hector Orcí, Co-Founder and Chairman, La Agencia de Orcí, Alejandra Martinez, Manager, Multi-Cultural Marketing/Hispanic Segment, Verizon Communications, Marisa Perez, Senior Multi-Cultural Manager, Pepsi Bottling Co., So.Cal. The course also includes internationally recognized guest lecturer, Dr. David Hayes Bautista, Dir. of the Center for the Study of Latino Health Care and Culture, UCLA and Moctesuma Esparza, President, CEO Maya Cinemas, Moctesuma Esparza Productions, Inc.

“Marketing and Advertising Effectively to the Latino Consumer,” taught in English, is designed for business people and students who wish to increase their knowledge of and sensitivity to the fast-growing Latino market. During the 12 sessions that begin on April 5th, executives from La Agencia de Orcí and various veterans of Hispanic marketing will offer their professional insight as well as their expertise.

Students will gain:

€ Demographic knowledge of the market and consumer
€ An overview on how the advertising business works
€ Specific and useful tools to reach the U.S. Hispanic market
€ Tips on how to survive by selling to Latinos
€ An understanding of what is going on now and in the future of Hispanic marketing € Opportunities for succeeding in the Hispanic Market

“As more and more advertisers are discovering the need to direct their attention to the near $1 trillion dollar buying power of the U.S. Hispanic market, they are also realizing this effort requires special strategies,” says Hector Orcí. “Educating people about Hispanic marketing is important because, by doing so, we identify Latino needs and help marketers fulfill those needs.”

This comprehensive course covers everything from a cultural overview, philosophical and other differences between Latino and general-market consumers, strategy and development of creative approaches to reaching Latinos, the best Latino advertising in the U.S., and community marketing to Latinos. Several marketing disciplines will be covered including advertising, media buying, direct marketing, online and new media, public relations and promotions.

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