La Cumbre’s Latino Artist & Arts Organization Directory

La Cumbre, a Latino community organization in Rochester, New York, is encouraging all Latino artists in the Upstate New York region to register for La Cumbre’s Latino Artist and Arts Organization Directory, a “go to” resource for the area.  This directory will be a compendium of local painters, dancers, filmmakers, musicians, writers and anyone else associated with Latino arts that wishes to be listed in the directory.   

According to Annette Ramos, co-chair of La Cumbre’s Arts and Cultural committee, “The purpose of this directory is to provide a listing to organizations, schools and individuals who are interested in gaining better access to authentic Latino arts, culture and artists in Upstate New York”.  Ms. Ramos also indicated that La Cumbre wants to provide employment opportunities and exposure for the artists who bring a unique perspective to programs about New York history and culture.  “Having greater exposure in our region will allow these artists to perform their music or showcase their art at various venues throughout the state”, added Ms. Ramos.

Throughout the year, and especially the months leading up to and during Hispanic Heritage Month, many requests from local schools, museums and organizations for lists of Latino artists, musicians and performers are requested. La Cumbre will be able to refer these requests directly to local artists who have registered in the directory and provide an opportunity for them to reach new audiences.  Registered artists will become a Participating Partner Artist of La Cumbre and eligible to be listed as an artists and/or Latino arts organization to participate in some of La Cumbre events. To qualify, one must be 50% Latino, an artist residing in Upstate NY and a member of La Cumbre for at least three (3) months.

To become a member of La Cumbre, go to and for the directory, please visit


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