La Ultima Colada…Journey Of Cuban Artists.

The Augusta Savage Gallery presents an art show of Cuban international artist curated by artist and professor of Mount Holyoke College Leandro Soto, entitled: CAFE: THE JOURNEYS OF CUBAN ARTISTS.

The artists in this exhibition belong to different generations: Ana Albertina Delgado, Adriano Buergo, Pedro portal, Yovani Bauta, Israel Leon, Paulo Simeon, Laura Luna, and Glexis Novoa. These artists share the cultural process of been educated under the complexity of Cuban culture, as well the experiences of creating art in foreign context: Mexico, Spain, United States, Russia, France and Puerto Rico.

The participating artists have won recognition at national and international levels, thanks to their mastering of materials and techniques. they have managed to nurture their “cubanidad” as an strong connection with their cultural roots, and at the same time they have developed artistic individuality in today’s artistic terms. this exhibition is a first step in a series of esthetic explorations in how displacement reinforces or dilutes and transform cultural identity and also if this experience could help the artist to define and recreate a unique voice in a new cultural context.

Cuban coffee is strong in its flavor and also in its physical reaction. Normally to drink CAFE is used in every day live as part of a social ritual conform and sustain the intensity of Cuban social character. The theme of this exhibition is used as a poetic metaphor of one of the essential components of a Cuban cultural identity: a concentrate substance with a
particular flavor, smell, color and density, that all the artists have consume as part of their everyday live during childhood times or till today. Each artist have assumed this theme with freedom an a certain sense of humor.

This Art show CAFE is an ongoing traveling exhibition trough university’s galleries, and alternative spaces. At the present moment the curator is organizing “CAFE II, Second Edition”, where a new list of artist will be include. Also a performance artwork will be part of this new edition.

Various universities in the country are interested in this exhibition an already are considering to give room to this interdisciplinary project.

Place: Augusta Savage Gallery, New African House, University of
Massachusetts at Amherst

Dates: Oct.17th trough Nov. 14th 2001

Artist-Curator’s Talk ( invitation to drink Cuban Cafe, Nov.24th)

For information and more details on the event please contact LEANDRO SOTO : mailto:LS***@MT*******.EDU” data-original-string=”NeYdmscsDbdqp2skchNAZbZhyepB/fhd/7QVLC1bAQU=” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

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