Latina’s are Hot!

by Pedro de Cordoba – Chief Strategy Officer / Eventus

If they only knew. Not that anyone has to tell them that they’re hot, lack of self-esteem has never been an issue with Latinas…but boy, are they hot!

It’s more than anecdotal, maybe it’s springtime come early, but I’ve been noticing this for some time now. In 9 out 10 meetings I go to, it inevitably becomes a subject of conversation -if not the main topic- and it’s not just among the boys, it’s everybody in the room.

You only have to visualize marketing mavens and corporate types jumping out of their boardroom seats to cat-call every time they see a Latina pass by, and if they happen to be a millennial moms to boot, they practically jump out of their shoes, salivating along the way at this tempting trifecta. Ok, so maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but not by much.  

Being over 50, I can’t seem to avoid being considered an adult anymore with all the privileges (not needing to be politically correct) and responsibilities (imparting the little wisdom) that comes with the grey hairs. So I think it’s about time to have THE TALK with mis amigas the millennial Latinas.  

You young ladies are the object of desire of well-heeled marketers everywhere. You are giving off vibes that are making board rooms across America swoon. I know, you just can’t help it, you have that je ne sais quoi that’s like the song of a siren, seductively luring these corporate ships to your multicultural shores.  

They want you bad.

Since all is fair in love and war, be prepared for them to use every tool at their disposal to get to know you better. They want to know what makes you tick, they’re studying your habits, watching you like a predator following their prey. Everyone’s trying to decipher how to become the object of your affection. And believe me, they’ll try using every trick in the book. They’ll play Prince Royce or Romeo’s bachatas for you all night long if that makes you happy. They’ll throw plenty of beefcake at you too, anything to make you so much as glance at them, put them into your “consideration set”.  

Seems like they’ve finally woken up to your impressive accomplishments, and how alluring and fertile your potential is. Never mind the numbers, they speak for themselves. The powerful combination of your sheer determination, strong family values and unencumbered sense of possibility all fueled by your contagious optimism (not to mention your skillful coquettish ways) are beginning to set you apart big-time.

But you know this don’t you, descarada. You got their attention, and then some. The question now becomes how to use your newfound power, your ability to wrap Corporate America around your little finger. I offer you a modest proposal (and it will probably sound very similar to what your mother or abuela would tell you), so listen up at least out of respect for your elders.   

Hold your ground. Play the field, there are many (brands) that want you, try a few. Ponlos a bailar-make them dance for you -think of it as having plenty of well-off suitors, so let the competition begin.  Use your influence to help those that are important to you, make them work to improve our lot. After all, we’ve got a lot that needs to be done; Dreamers to educate, compadres to make legal.  Above all, don’t settle for a corporate suitor that takes you for granted, make them commit to you long-term.  Remember you’ve got plenty of power, use it for good. Take ‘em for all they got. After all, you have a reputation to uphold.



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