LATISM launches Tour of the Emerging California ‘Latinosphere’.

Latinos in Social Media (LATISM), an organization of social media professionals of Hispanic origin, announced “Latino2: The California Tour,” a year-long event series focusing on the emergence of Latin-American influence in the digital/social world. The Latino2 event series kickoff — titled “The Marketing Tribe” — will also feature a keynote by social-media guru Brian Solis, a panel of Latina bloggers, and an in-depth interview with one of the leading cross-border marketing agencies in Los Angeles.

The Latino2 tour will sponsor gatherings in California towns and cities where Latinos wield influence in business, government, and the non-profit sector.

“From the barrios, to Silicon Valley, to our state capital, Latinos today are leveraging digital and social technology to engage, communicate and mobilize,” said Giovanni Rodriguez, Vice-Chair of Events and Programs for LATISM and co-producer of Latino2. “We hope to gather Latinos — and the people hoping to engage more effectively with them — in as many places as we can in our year-long journey, up and down this state.”

Single-Day Event Evolves into a Series

Latino2 originally was conceived as a single-day event in Los Angeles. Because of the wide range of speakers and topics proposed for the event, the organizers saw an opportunity to evolve the concept.

“There is no single Latino conversation that’s happening online, no single tribe, no single location,” said Rodriguez. “Rather than asking everyone to come to L.A., we’re telling people, ‘we’ll come to you.'”

In recognition of the local concentration of communications professionals in Southern California, the September 18th kickoff in L.A. focuses on the “marketing tribe.” The agenda for the event features the following:

— Keynote: Brian Solis

— Q&A with cross-border marketing agency, vrtccom: Octavio Orozco, Co-Founder of vrtccom

Daniel Gonzalez, Strategic Planner of vrtccom

— Latina blogger panel:

Elizabeth Cerezo, Blogger, Thoughts of a Mommy/Disneylandia al Dia

Ana Lilian Flores, Co-Founder + Co-Publisher, SpanglishBaby Media

Silvia Martinez, Founder, Mamá Latina Tips / Partner and Editor in Chief, Disneylandia al Dia

Elisa Batista, Co-Founder and Moderator, Mother Talkers

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