LimeGreen Merges with Moroch Holdings Inc.

Moroch Holdings Inc. (MHI) has announced that it will be taking a minority interest in Chicago-based LimeGreen LLC, a cross-cultural marketing communications agency focused on helping its clients reach culturally diverse groups through compelling consumer insights. While the agency will remain minority-owned, it will transition its namesake to LimeGreen Moroch.

“We started LimeGreen ten years ago with the singular mission to help all brands truly engage the growing cross-cultural consumer base with relevant insights to deliver lasting results,” said Michon Ellis, CEO of LimeGreen Moroch. “By joining forces with MHI, we’ll align with a like minded family of companies dedicated to client impact. Our strategic partnership extends our mission, resources and reach. We’re excited for what’s ahead.”

Over the years, MHI has prided itself on setting the standard of excellence in localizing national brands with the consumer, while always looking to the future to ensure its clients are prepared for change. This is especially true within the realm of cross-cultural marketing, which has now become one of the most critical components of any integrated marketing strategy.

“We are thrilled to partner with LimeGreen as they truly embody the next generation of client engagement strategy and vision,” said Tom Moroch, Chairman of MHI. “As our country continues to grow in diversity, so too must client strategy and insights. LimeGreen Moroch will help all our clients more deeply connect with their audience.”

Effective immediately, Lura Hobbs, Managing Partner at Moroch Partners, will transition into her new role as President of LimeGreen Moroch. She will focus on utilizing consumer insights to successfully inform brand strategy and new product development. Additionally, the LimeGreen Moroch office footprint will now expand to include hubs in Dallas, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Detroit. Ellis will continue his role as CEO.


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