Los Tweens & Teens announces expansion of its Board of Experts

Los Tweens & Teens has announced the expansion of its Board of Experts.  Together these women will contribute ongoing content to the growing Los Tweens & Teens media platform with expert tips, ideas and resources for parents in areas related to sports, education and emotional well being.  

Launched in 2011, Los Tweens & Teens continues on its mission to generate content that supports Latino and multicultural parents to understand the unique issues surrounding this age phase and how to motivate their children to achieve their best success. The site has become the go-to resources for parents to navigate these difficult, formidable years that are often not discussed by other parenting resources.

The distinguished board of experts includes:

o    Noemi Lung Zaharia: Two-time Olympic medalist and founder of AQIndex, Inc., a revolutionary athletic testing company, Zaharia is originally from Romania and fluent in three languages. She will focus her efforts on creating content that focuses on sports to help build positive self-esteem and motivation in kids as they grow.

o    Kathryn M. Nuñez: An elementary school teacher with a specialization in English for fifth through ninth grade and first-generation Latina of Cuban descent, Nuñez has been contributing to the platform since 2012. She will continue to offer specific insights as an educator to help parents overcome the challenges children face as they enter grade three through middle school, as well as other topics related to current educational issues.

o    Lina Acosta Sandaal: Program Director of The Nest Emotional Wellness Center in Miami, Sandaal is a bilingual Latina who will build on her expertise and training as a professional counselor to provide tips on overcoming the many emotional issues facing tween and teens, with special emphasis on helping parents from diverse backgrounds.

“We’re excited to welcome this group of accomplished professionals who have achieved tremendous success and are motivated to help parents guide their children through the often challenging years of tweens and teens,” said Cristy Clavijo-Kish and Katherine Doble-Cannata, co-founders and publishers of the Los Tweens & Teens platform.

In addition to their contributions online, Cristy and Katherine will be working with this team to produce in-market events to continue building a supportive community of parents from diverse backgrounds who face similar hurdles with their growing children.


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