Marketers Embrace newer Media Platforms.

As marketers embrace new media platforms, social media and viral videos have seen the largest jump in ranking, according to a survey done by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers), BtoB Magazine and in partnership with marketing services firm ‘mktg.’ The survey found that 66 percent of marketers utilized social media in 2009, as compared to 20 percent in 2007. Fifty percent employ viral videos, up from only 25 percent in 2007.

In order to properly fund these new media formats, 55 percent of respondents have shifted funds from their traditional media budget, while 48 percent shifted funds from other marketing communications budgets. Twenty-six percent of marketers created an incremental budget.

The top concerns for marketers when considering newer media platforms are the inability to prove ROI (45 percent) and having metrics to properly allocate the mix of traditional and digital media (43 percent).

Among social networks being embraced by all marketers, the top sites used are:

* Facebook (74 percent)
* YouTube (65 percent)
* Twitter (63 percent)
* LinkedIn (60 percent)

In 2009, the most effective newer media platforms were as follows:

* Search engine marketing (SEM) (65 percent)
* Own Web site (59 percent)
* Search engine optimization (SEO) (55 percent)
* E-mail marketing (45 percent)

“As more media platforms become available, it is imperative that all marketers continue to assess their capabilities and select the platforms that are best suited to help them meet their brand’s goals and objectives,” said Bob Liodice, president and CEO of the ANA. “With this proliferation of media, marketers must work harder, survey the entire landscape available to them and create their brand’s most optimal media mix.”

B-to-B vs. B-to-C Marketers

The study results also reveal that b-to-b and b-to-c marketers differ in the ways they use new media platforms, including:

* While mobile is used by 32 percent of overall marketers, it is three times more likely to be used by b-to-c versus b-to-b marketers (52 percent vs. 18 percent).
* LinkedIn rates first among b-to-b marketers while Facebook is top among b-to-c. Interestingly, Twitter is used more by b-to-b marketers (70%) than b-to-c marketers (46%).
* B-to-c marketers see much more effectiveness from SEM (76 percent) than b-to-b marketers (48 percent)
* Webinars are a much more effective platform for b-to-b marketers (48 percent) versus b-to-c (6 percent)

Looking Forward

In the next year, blogs are the new media format at the top of the list for all marketers (34 percent), followed by mobile (28 percent) and social media (23 percent), among marketers not already using each respective platform. Viral video and podcasts are also of high interest for many b-to-b marketers to begin using.

The newer media platforms that will get the most spending in 2009 are the more established platforms:

* Own website (26 percent)
* Search engine marketing (19 percent)
* Online ads. Banners, etc. (17 percent)

In June, 2009 the ANA, in partnership with BtoB Magazine and ‘mktg’, conducted the online survey, “Harnessing the Power of Newer Media Platforms for More Effective Marketing.” In total, 172 client-side marketers responded to the survey.

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