Marketers Shift 2016 Budgets, and Attention, to Marketing Technology

According to December 2015 research from Rocket Fuel, two marketing technology trends likely to see more activity in 2016 are programmatic buying of TV and data management platforms (DMPs).

The survey revealed that programmatic buying is poised to make inroads with traditionally non-digital channels like television. Senior-level agency and marketing professionals were asked which channels they used for programmatic buying in 2015 vs. those they planned to use in 2016. One of the biggest gains was for TV. In fact, 24% of respondents said they planned to buy TV programmatically in 2016, a growth of 11 percentage points over 2015.

Another marketing technology trend highlighted was a growing interest in DMPs. The platforms, which help businesses aggregate marketing information from across a variety of channels, were mentioned as a very or somewhat-interesting technology to learn about in 2016 by more than 90% of respondents—higher than any other technology.

Programmatic TV, which was mentioned by 80% of respondents, was tied for second place.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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