Marketers struggle to leverage Ad Tech to Deliver a Great Mobile & Web Experience

Marketing tools are rapidly evolving and marketers are spending more money on technology than ever before. But 1 in 2 marketers report that fragmented technologies impede their ability to create a consistent experience for consumers across the web, mobile and other channels, according to a survey released by Signal.

The first global study of its kind, Signal’s Cross-Channel Marketing and Technology Survey found that marketers clearly recognize the importance of integrating the data-driven tools they utilize for email, ad-serving, search marketing, data collection, attribution, CRM and more. A powerful majority (9 in 10) believe that connecting the disparate tools in their company’s marketing technology stack would improve their ability to innovate, personalize consumer interactions, send timely messages, boost loyalty, evaluate campaigns, and increase return on marketing investments.

However, 51% of marketers say they have yet to integrate marketing technologies beyond the most basic level. Fewer than 1 in 20 marketers reported having a fully-integrated technology stack. This lack of coordination is a key factor preventing marketers from reaching the holy grail of true, cross-channel engagement with consumers across their laptops, smartphones and tablets.

Signal conducted the survey in September to better understand the challenges faced by marketers in getting more value from their technology stacks. Survey respondents included 281 marketers spanning 16 vertical industries in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

“Marketing technology is advancing at lightning speed,”said Mike Sands, Signal CEO. “Marketers are spending more on technology and they’re under pressure to fully optimize their tools across channels and throughout the customer journey.”

“It’s not enough just to buy the latest technologies. In order to deliver cutting-edge customer experiences, marketers need to improve coordination between their tools and power them with high-quality, up-to-the minute data,”Sands said.

The survey found that:

  •     67% of marketers believe the technology landscape is evolving rapidly or at light speed
  •     53% have steadily or significantly increased technology spending in the last 3 years — and a significant portion are constantly evaluating new tools
  •     63% report the tools in their technology stacks are underutilized
  •     51% feel that their technologies don’t help them achieve true cross-channel marketing coordination
  •     Only 4% feel well-prepared to move forward with cross-channel marketing based on their technology stack capabilities
  •     Just 9% of marketers believe that technology is their strength

For many years the dominant strategy in digital marketing has been adding more and more single-point solutions to solve the challenges of the day. But consumer behavior has outpaced the ability of marketers to respond with the right message at the right time in the right channel.

“Consumers expect personalized and timely interactions as they move between digital devices and offline channels such as call centers, stores, and kiosks,”said Joe Stanhope, Signal’s Senior Vice President, Marketing. “It’s clear that marketers need a new approach to create the level of engagement today’s consumers expect, and meeting that goal requires a roadmap for making their data and technologies work better together.”


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