Marketing To U.S. Hispanics & Latin America Conference In Miami.

Celebrating a successful decade-run, the 10th Annual (and Anniversary) Marketing to U.S. Hispanics & Latin America Conference scheduled in Miami Beach at the Roney Palace Beach Resort Hotel on January 26-27, 2004, will once again play host to the industry leaders in the realm of Hispanic marketing. This forum will feature over 35 distinguished experts from companies who are investing in reaching out to Latino consumers in the United States and Latin America. Companies scheduled to appear include AOL, Comcast, Columbia House, Hallmark, Heineken USA, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, MasterCard, Motorola & PhatFarm/BabyPhat Tie In, Nextel, NBA, Urban Latino TV, Warner Brothers, Wells Fargo, and many more. One of the industry’s most well-attended conferences, the agenda will outline some very cutting-edge strategies and case studies with advanced tools and techniques to increase ROI from this rapidly growing market segment.

Topics Being Addressed Include:
— Appreciating the New Cultural Currency Of Bilingual and Multicultural Latinos
— Sharpening Focus- Advanced Geo-Demographics to Boost Market Opportunities
— Creating Holistic Synergies With The Brand- Integrating Various Marketing Elements
— Improving ROI on Investment on Hispanic Marketing- What’s Working & What’s Not?
— Sustaining Relationships- Hallmark’s Hispanic Connection
— Why Brands Are Making The Strategic Crossover- Use Of English Advertising For Latino Consumers
— Driving More Traffic To Your Regional Dealerships Using Cable
— Media Proliferation And Tough Choices For Marketers
— Reality Of Hispanic Brand Loyalty-The Internet and Hispanic Consumers
— How To launch A Successful Partnership With A Lifestyle Brand
— Actionable PR Strategies
— Success with Spanish Dominant Markets
— Crossing Borders- How The NBA is Taking New Strides
— Sharpening Segmentation and Acculturation Data

Plus Four Strategic Workshops Designed To Help Gain Customer Acquisition and Loyalty.

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