
Federal court rejects webcasters’ pleas.

According to Inside Radio, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is rejecting an appeal by webcasters to delay new copyright royalty rates set to take effect Sunday.

Internet usage and importance expand.

The Internet leads a rise in most media usage.

The Internet is the most essential medium for consumers and newspapers are the least, according to an Edison Media Research study conducted by Arbitron in January and February 2007. Respondents were all from the US and ages 12 and older.

Multi-Language Search Strategies.

According to recent U.S. Census Board data (October, 2006), the U.S. minority population has reached more than 300 million. At more then 44.3 million, the Hispanic population is the largest of the minority groups (14.8 percent of the overall U.S. population) and the fastest growing — at a rate of 3.4% between July 2005 and July 2006.

Why is it, then, that U.S. marketers are still not catching onto the fact that they need to start paying attention to reaching foreign language searchers, particularly Spanish-speaking audiences?

US Broadband fulfills need for Speed.

Next up, market saturation.

Broadband is getting cheaper, faster and more widely available, which is why 70% of US homes will have broadband Internet access by 2012, according to JupiterResearch’s “US Broadband Forecast, 2007 to 2012: LECs Maintain Advantage over Cable Operators in Quest for New Subscribers” report.

Broadband and Media Consumption.

If TV and the Web are competing for attention, TV is still winning.

TV and radio consumption tends to be less in cities that have high broadband penetration rates, according to The Media Audit’s “National 2006 Report.” In contrast, people in cities with lower broadband penetration rates tend to watch more TV and listen to more radio.

Online Publishers Association unveils Online Video Advertising Effectiveness study.

With the continued rise in online video popularity, the Online Publishers Association (OPA) conducted a unique study looking at the key factors driving video advertising success.

“Frames of Reference: Online Video Advertising, Content and Consumer Behavior” exposed consumers to video content and advertising, and captured the attributes that most impact awareness, ad likeability, ad relevance, and brand consideration.

The volume of spam is growing – users are less bothered by it.

37% of email users said spam had increased in their personal email accounts, up from 28% of email users who said that two years ago. And 29% of work email users said spam had increased in their work email accounts, up from 21% two years ago. Yet fewer people say spam is “a big problem” for them.

Internet Advertising revenues grow 35%.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) released the Internet Advertising Revenue Report which shows record results for the full year and final quarter of 2006. Internet advertising revenues in the U.S. continued upward totaling $16.9 billion in 2006, a new annual record exceeding 2005 by 35%. Q4 2006 internet advertising revenues totaled $4.8 billion, representing record revenues for a single quarter and a 35% increase over same period in 2005.

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