
Magazines drive consumers to Web and contribution to the Purchase Funnel.

The guide, created for marketers and the advertising, media and research communities, presents an array of independent studies that explore which media and media combinations deliver the best advertising results.

Pagán named Publisher of ESPN Deportes La Revista.

Sam Pagán has been named publisher of Spanish-language monthly sports magazine ESPN Deportes La Revista, it was announced by Televisa Publishing and ESPN Deportes.

Televisa Publishing to partner with BIGresearch.

Televisa Publishing announced that it will be joining forces with BIGresearch in order to provide the market with comprehensive information on the Hispanic market. The new services will provide marketers with ongoing consumer insights for better marketing decisions. This will be the first time that BIGresearch produces Spanish translations of its Simultaneous Media (SIMM) and Consumer Intentions & Actions (CIA) Surveys.

Editorial Televisa now Televisa Publishing.

Editorial Televisa, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Grupo Televisa, announced that its US-based business unit, with headquarters in Miami, will henceforth operate under the name of Televisa Publishing. The change is reflective of the natural progression of the operation, which is primarily focused on serving the growing US and Puerto Rico Hispanic markets with a diverse portfolio of products that deliver editorial content in both Spanish and English, and will distinguish it from other Editorial Televisa units that operate throughout Latin America.

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