Mexicans and Salvadorans have Positive Picture of Life in U.S. [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Mexicans and Salvadorans share a positive image of the U.S. Many believe that people who move to the U.S. lead a better life, and most of those who have family or friends who migrated say they have accomplished their goals while there. Salvadorans, 67% of whom have family or friends in the U.S., express particularly favorable opinions of the U.S.; nearly six-in-ten would move to there if they could. Many fewer Mexicans (35%) say the same.

Meanwhile, people in both countries see the public safety situation at home as dire. Broad majorities are very concerned about crime – specifically, violence associated with urban gangs in El Salvador and drug cartels in Mexico. People overwhelmingly want the government to focus on maintaining law and order rather than protecting personal freedoms. And there is widespread support in both countries for the army playing a major role in the fight against crime.

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