Miami Ad School en Espanol launches

Pippa Seichrist, President and Co-founder of Miami Ad School, announces plans for Miami Ad School en Espanol.

Available at their Miami, Florida location, Miami Ad School en Espanol is a 2-year program in art direction and copywriting taught primarily in Spanish by leading Hispanic creatives. In their 2nd year, students can study and intern in various multicultural agencies in the US, Latin America and Spain. These programs are unique in preparing creatives for the nuances of the Hispanic market in the USA and abroad. The programs are to begin in the summer of 2011.

The 2010 US Census reports that Hispanics have the highest percent changes in population growth. Hispanic purchasing power has surged to $1 trillion. To meet the demands, Miami Ad School is one step ahead in preparing creatives for this rapidly growing market.

This initiative is well received by the Hispanic advertising community.

“Miami Ad School en Espanol will train creatives to become industry leaders in the Hispanic market. Hispanic consumers drive spending and as they grow into the majority demographic, also influence and lead general market spending and cultural trends in this country.” — Carmen Baez, President of the Latin America Diversified Agency (DAS)

“The US Hispanic market is very sophisticated and it demands professionals with very specific skills. Miami Ad School understands the complexity and uniqueness of this market, and its need for well prepared professionals that are able to not only write in Spanish, but also to develop messages that are relevant for the Hispanic consumer in the US.” — Aldo Quevedo, President, Dieste Inc.

Miami Ad School also announces the appointment of Vanessa Clavijo as Director of Miami Ad School en Espanol. Clavijo, a Miami Ad School alumnus, worked at Crispin Porter + Bogusky and La Comunidad. In her new role, she is responsible for the program’s development, recruitment and admission of young talent.

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