Miami-Based magazine spoof kills off Fidel Castro.

Wave Magazine, a water enthusiast magazine, has taken Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to his grave via a spoof the magazine printed inside their March edition entitled “Fidel Dies” — just in time for one of the world’s largest Latino street festivals, Calle Ocho.

The spoof, featured in the magazine’s “Splashback” section, goes through life after Castro, including detailing a mock reverse-flotilla by Cuban-Americans that ensues after the dictator dies and Howard K. Stern’s claim that he is Castro’s illegitimate son. “The world believes Castro is about to die any day now and we just had a gut feeling to kill him off before nature had a chance to do it just in time for the Calle Ocho celebration,” says the magazine’s publisher Jose Chao. “The implications of Castro’s death to the cruise, boating, tourism and waterfront property
industries are mind-boggling.”

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