Miami’s Top Latina Role Models Honored With 2003 Tesoro Awards.

Six local Latinas, ranging from well-known politicians to unsung heroes, will be honored during the first-ever TESORO Awards. Sponsored by Caress, Dove, Pond’s, Suave, ThermaSilk, Vaseline Intensive Care and Glamour en español, the
TESORO awards pay tribute to extraordinary role models who have made a difference in the community. The women were nominated and selected based on professional achievements and the ability to inspire change in their community. The TESORO awards are part of “Secretos de Belleza,” a national campaign sponsored by the brands and honoring today’s Latina

The 2003 Miami TESORO recipients are:

Pond’s Art & Culture Award – Amy Serrano
Emmy nominated producer and leading advocate in Women’s Rights.

Vaseline Intensive Care Community Service Award – Georgina Prats
Executive Vice President of La Liga Contra el Cáncer, an agency that provides healthcare services to cancer patients in Florida who lack the financial means for medical treatment.

Suave Education Award – Tere Pujol- Parr
Lead teacher for the International Studies Magnet Program at Sunset Elementary and national lobbyist for bilingual and bicultural educational opportunities.

Caress Public Service Award – Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehiten
First Hispanic woman elected to the United States Congress and international defender of human rights and democracy.

Dove Healthcare Award – Nancy Curbelo
Program Director for the International Kids Fund at Jackson Memorial Hospital, offering life saving medical treatments to critically ill children.

ThermaSilk Journalism Award – Alina Mayo Azze
Three-time Emmy award winning broadcast journalist with Univisión 23.

“It is an honor to recognize Latinas who have made incredible contributions to Miami’s Hispanic community,” said Barbara Palacios, Former Miss Universe and TESORO award presenter. “These women have truly inspired change through their leadership, education and service.”

Ms. Palacios also will serve as national spokesperson for the Secretos de Belleza campaign.

The first TESORO event in the country will be held in Miami at the JW Marriott in Brickell. The awards will continue to be presented throughout the year to Latinas in Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago.

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