Multi-Platform Majority [REPORT]

comScore, Inc. recently published its latest white paper Marketing to the Multi-Platform Majority. The paper, available to the public as a complimentary download, provides companies with important context for understanding the changing dynamics of today’s multi-platform digital marketplace. As many businesses turn their attention to 2014 strategic planning, this white paper also offers valuable insights about how embracing the right tools and metrics can drive growth and build awareness for their brands in a multi-screen world.

Key insights from Marketing to the Multi-Platform Majority include:

  •     The multi-platform majority has arrived. In April 2013 for the first time, more than half of digital consumers in the U.S. accessed the Internet using both desktop and mobile devices (i.e. smartphones and tablets).
  •     Catering to mobile visitors is a must. Among the top 100 digital properties, nearly one out of three monthly visitors (31 percent) only accesses that brand’s content via smartphone or tablet.
  •     Total digital media consumption is exploding. In the past three years, U.S. consumers’ total time spent on digital media has nearly doubled, led by huge gains in activity on smartphones and tablets (while desktop computer usage has seen only modest gains). More time spent with digital media presents a variety of new opportunities for media companies to monetize their content and for marketers to reach their target audiences more efficiently and effectively.
  •     Media fragmentation affects content categories very differently. Although overall digital media consumption has been growing significantly, the fragmentation of the media environment is affecting content categories differently. In certain categories such as Sports, growth in consumption on smartphones and tablets is mostly incremental to desktop, but in other categories such as Maps and Weather the shift toward “mobile first” consumption is cannibalizing desktop usage. Such shifts can present both opportunities and challenges in the marketplace.
  •     Mobile shopping is beginning to carve out e-commerce market share. Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, in the U.S. is growing at a rate of 30 percent year-over-year and is beginning to alter the retail landscape. Nearly $10 billion in m-commerce spending is expected in Q4 2013.
  •     Multi-platform metrics can increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Big Data is only effective when metrics are collected and accounted for accurately. A digital analytics platform not attuned to multi-platform engagement will miscalculate the number of unique browsers, which leads to a miscalculation of all other derivative metrics.

To download report CLICK HERE.



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