NAHJ & NAHP Launch New Hispanic Journalism Internship.

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and the National Association of Hispanic Publications Foundation (NAHP) have launched a joint internship program to support Latino journalism students interested in careers at Hispanic or Spanish-language media publications.

Four students will be selected to be in the first class of the new internship program, sponsored by Ford Motor Company Fund. The aspiring Latino journalists will complete summer internships at Hispanic or Spanish-language publications in the nation’s capital in 2006.

Four students will begin their internship experience with intense training at the daily newspaper or website produced at NAHJ’s 24th Annual Convention and Media & Career Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., June 14-17.

“With the boom in Spanish-language media and Hispanic publications in the country right now, these internships are sorely needed and very welcome,” said Ivan Roman, NAHJ’s executive director. “We need to tap into that growing number of young journalists who can bring us news and information in Spanish or in both languages. Our changing society demands it.”

“Ford Fund has demonstrated commitment to Hispanic media by pulling NAHJ and NAHP into our first collaborative relationship in a long, long time. Ford is supporting more than an internship program. Ford is fostering industry alliances and community building, and for that, we owe them more than a sponsorship acknowledgement,” said Eddie Escobedo, Chairman of the Board of the NAHP Foundation.

The internship program is designed to help grow a pool of journalists who will have developed closer ties to Hispanic-centered publications or Spanish-language publications and, through these experiences, consider careers at these types of media companies. Spanish-language publications often struggle with finding staff or contributors who not only can write in Spanish, but who know the local community, know how the U.S. society, economy and political systems work, and who are well versed in the practices and resources available when doing U.S.-style journalism.

“This is an innovative partnership with two leading organizations in the field of Hispanic media and journalism that furthers our commitment to educating Hispanic youth,” said Raquel “Rocky” Egusquiza, Director of Community Development and International Strategy, Ford Motor Company Fund.

“Ford is excited to be playing a role in the development of the next generation of Latino journalists through this internship program.” As part of the program, NAHJ and NAHP will also select four editors or publishers at Spanish-language or Hispanic-themed publications in Washington, D.C. who will serve as the 2006 hosts for the journalism students and will
commit to serving as advisors and mentors to the students for a period of one year after the internship.

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