NAHP & DaimlerChrysler Sponsor 2004 Educational Fair Series.

The National Association of Hispanic Publications in partnership with the DaimlerChysler Corporate Fund will host the seminar called “What Matters Most on the Pathway to College,” at the first 2004 sessions of the Partners in Hispanic Education “Feria Educativa” series. The event is part of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for
Hispanic Americans.

DaimlerChrysler Corporate Fund has been an active sponsor of the National Association of Hispanic Publications Foundation helping in the successful distribution of the Hispanic Scholarship Directory. This year over 15,000 directories are being distributed throughout the nation with the help from DaimlerChrysler only. Thousands more, both in CD and book format, were freely distributed with the support of Exelon Corporation, Southern California Edison, the National Education Association and the American Association of Community Colleges.

Partners in Hispanic Education consist of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, the U.S. Department of Education and some of the nation’s leading Hispanic organizations, corporate leaders, and national private entity.

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