National initiative publishes expanded English-Spanish Glossary of Terms for Higher Education.

A consortium of organizations from throughout the nation has released the second edition of an English-Spanish glossary of standard terms relating to access to higher education. This latest edition has evolved in its scope, and includes an additional 700 entries, many of which relate to changes made to the federal student aid programs under the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005.

This glossary aims to promote greater consistency in the vocabulary used in Spanish-language materials about higher education. Members of the initiative encourage professionals who produce these materials to use this glossary as a common reference. Those who may find this resource useful include secondary school administrators, postsecondary admissions and outreach professionals, and those involved in academic advising activities. Use of the glossary is entirely voluntary.

Studies have shown that, compared to other ethnic groups, fewer Hispanics continue their education after high school. Two significant factors lead to this discrepancy: (1) the lack of awareness in Hispanic communities about the financial resources available to help pay for college, and (2) the need or preference among Hispanic parents and students for information in Spanish. Thus, providing Spanish-language information about access to higher education may facilitate college attendance among Hispanics, particularly since parental support is such an important factor in a child’s college attendance and completion.

In the summer and fall of 2004, participating organizations developed and published the first edition of the English-Spanish glossary to provide a consistent and easy-to-use resource for those who create Spanish-language materials and website content about higher education and student financial aid. Participating organizations established a standing workgroup of education, student financial aid, and Spanish-language experts who revise and publish this glossary on a regular basis.

The initiative includes organizations involved in promoting access to higher education to Hispanics throughout the country: Cuban American National Council, National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, National College Access Network, National Council for Community and Education Partnerships, National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs, TG, and the U.S. Department of Education.

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