National Puerto Rican Day Parade refreshes Image & Logo

The National Puerto Rican Day Parade unveils a fresh, new logo, with the aim of visually capturing the meaning and spirit of this one-of-a-kind, cultural
celebration. The logo leverages iconic symbols – the turrets from the Castillo San Felipe del Morro fortress in Puerto Rico and The Empire State Building – and includes a child waving a flag in celebratory pride, representing the passing down of culture and tradition; all are embraced by the Puerto Rican flag, signifying solidarity in honoring our culture and history.

“We are very excited about our new logo and the image it portrays for this new era for the Parade”, says Louis Maldonado, a marketing and advertising executive, and Parade board member. “It is a testament to the Board’s commitment to making this the parade for the people, uniting Puerto Ricans from the Island and mainland U.S. to pay homage to our heritage and recognize our achievement.”

As a long-standing supporter of the parade, Goya Foods will include an additional float in honor and dedication of the 65th Infantry Regiment, known as The Borinqueneers. Goya has also pledged to match donations collected during the official events leading up to the Parade and donate up to 5,000 pounds of Goya products to Catholic Charities.

“Goya has been a part of the Puerto Rican Day parade since 1958 and has always supported the advancement of the Latino community in New York City,” says Rafael Toro, Director of Public Relations at Goya Foods. “We are excited to celebrate and honor the contributions of the communities that we serve and to pay tribute to The Borinqueneers this year, who dedicated their lives in fighting for the freedom of our country.”


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